29th February 2005 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's March calendar goes online. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
7th February 2005 - Book Entries |
Demi has now been mentioned in The Guiness Book of Hit Singles 2003, The Guiness Book of Hit Singles and albums 2004 and A new book by a Bruce Robertson on how to meet the famous. Hopefully extracts from these will be online soon. |
30th January 2005 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's Ferbuary calendar goes online. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
30th Dec 2004 - Tiny Lives |
Demi helped the Tiny Lives Charity along with school children raise £863, a big thanks to all those involved and to those who donated. |
30th December 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's January calendar goes online, The first for 2005. Shown here is Demi in her Royal Ballet School. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
23rd December 2004 - Merry Christmas |
 I would like to wish all my fans and loyal supporters a Merry Christmas and hopefully an event packed New Year. |
30th November 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's December calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
30th October 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's November calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
21st October 2004 - Events for 2005! |
Already Demi is being requested for events in the new year 2005 many yet to be confirmed but to give you a little taster of whats to come next year, she has been booked to perform at Avon Country Park, in aid of Tiny Lives in association with STAR FM in May. New diary will be online around Christmas. |
21st October 2004 - Music Online! |
The site has been on for over a year now and we thought we would celebrate by putting online some clips of the songs from Demi`s debut single. Take a trip to the single page to download and listen to them. We hope to add more pages including music and hopefully videos in the future. |
28th September 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's October calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
28th August 2004 - Wish Upon A Star |
At Etams, Newport on Saturday 14th Demi would like to thank all those that donated a vast amount of money. It was a good day and we will let you know the full amount raised after this Sundays event at The Big W. Update - Total amount raised on the day was £759 thanks to everyone who donated. Amount raised at The Big W £395 total amount raised £1194. |
28th August 2004 - Chart Comeback? |
Demi is in talks with the release of a charity single for Christmas. Watch this space!. |
28th August 2004 - Fan Mail |
Demi would like to thank everyone for the vast amount of fan mail she has recieved from both home and abroad and promises to reply to everyone when she gets time. |
28th August 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's September calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar is updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
20th August 2004 - Capitol Gold Radio |
A very big thank you to Kevin Thomas and all at Capitol Radio for the repeated advertisement of this Sundays coming event at the BIG W, Newport for the Wish Upon A Star Appeal. Please come along if you can and donate to this worthwhile charity. |
1st August 2004 - Revisits |
After two years Demi gets invited back to make guest appearences at The Reagency residential home in Cardiff, and the Oakfield in Cwmbran where she officially opened a childrens adventure park. |
28th July 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's August calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar will be updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
29th June 2004 - Congratulations Demi |
Demi has successfully passed an audition for the London Royal Ballet School and
starts her 5th consecutive year with them in September. |
29th June 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's July calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar will be updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
6th June 2004 - Charity Work |
Demi is currently doing a lot of work for charity across Wales and England. If you have a event that you would like to see Demi make an appearence then please fill in form supplied on contact page and we will get back to you. |
6th June 2004 - Charity In Bristol Area |
Demi is also supporting Tiny Lives charity for Fenchay hospital and also parent support group and babies intensive care unit for Broadmead.
More events to be confirmed in this area soon. |
5th June 2004 - Sparkle Appeal |
Demi is currently helping the Sparkle Appeal raise money to build a disabled childrens hospital in Newport. See diary for current events. If you see Demi collecting please give generously. |
29th May 2004 - Download Demi's Calendar |
Demi's June calendar goes online, Why not download and print out or use as wallpaper on your computer. Each month a new calendar will be updated and ready for download. Click Here To Download->> |
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