It was on a Monday night, at around 10 past 9, the phone rang, my sister answered it and mum shouted, " who is it Kimberley " I don't know, it's a lady with a posh voice, she said. Mum went to the phone and said "Oh my God" and sat on the stairs, it was GMTV to tell us that I had been entered into a competition by my brother Curtis and I was one of 15 down from 7,000. My family were shocked and jumping around.


On the Saturday I went up to London with my Mum and Dad on a train, to a hotel out in the country side. I met Ali and James and the other 14 people in the competition. We had a meeting and then dinner. I first made friends with Anthony and his nan, they were very nice. I played hide and seek with the others until 9 o'clock, when our parents made us go to bed. The next morning after breakfast we all sang together before going to the shopping centre. When we got off the bus at the Glade shopping centre, everybody was excited and ran screaming to the GMTV stand. We rehearsed and all sang together again, it was brilliant. The press were there and took lots of pictures of us. We all sang 2 songs each, in front of a big crowd and to the judges, Claire Sweeney, Jonathon Shallot, Jono Coleman and Nicky Sanderson. Just before we left I managed to get my picture taken with Claire Sweeney. At the end of the day everybody got on the bus to go back to their train stations. We all hugged each other and started crying because we had become good friends, and we all knew we might not see each other again. It was really sad.


The following week I had won a place to the final 8. Each day got really exciting. The week after that I got through to the final 4 and had to go back to London to sing again. When I got to the hotel on the Tuesday night I was pleased to see my friend Ellis. We had fun together, but had to be up very early in the morning ready for the show. When we got to GMTV, Eammon Holmes talked to us and made us laugh, he's a very funny man. We both sang on tv and then left for home. Me and Ellis hugged each other and said "we wish we could both win together that would be nice", but we both knew everyone stood a chance. They were all brilliant.


The voting was to the viewers on the Thursday and Friday. My mum had a call on the Friday to say that all four of us would get a call on the Saturday morning, at 11 o'clock to say who had won. At 5 to 11, there was a loud knock at the door, when Dad opened it, there stood Claire Sweeney , Ali, Mike and crew. Claire said "where's Demi", as I went to the door she said "Demi you've won." I was shocked, Mum and Dad and my brother were all crying. There were 197,000 votes and I had an amazing 116,365. I won a record contract with Universal and a scholarship at the Barbara Speake Stage School in London.


I had to go back up to London on Sunday morning, ready for Monday's show. My whole family came with me. We had to be up very early on Monday for the show. When we arrived at the studio everyone was glad to see me. They showed Claire and the camera's coming to my house. After that I sang Think Twice. Straight after that I was given an award from Mr. Wilkinson of Universal music. Then I had to go to the roof of the building to have photos taken with Claire, Eammon and Kate. I was then taken off in a big black car to Universal Studio's to sign my contract. I was given a list of songs, which I had to pick three from that would be released as my single. Finally I was taken back to Wales. When I arrived home there was lots of people outside my house cheering for me. GMTV, HTV, and the press were there as well. Everything was mad.